The Plooto project held its Consortium Meeting in Rome, Italy between 16-17 January 2025. In the meeting the project partners came together to present the current status of the project and work towards its next steps.
In the two-day meeting the partners had the opportunity to discuss relevant to the Supply Chain DT modelling and orchestration, the different needed Data Spaces as well as the Governance Services that will enable Plooto to operate. Furthermore special attention was given to the analytics and AI services as well as the Optimization services that have the role to optimize the overall supply chain of the Plooto projects’ pilots.
Another stream of discussions was held relevant to the development of the CRIS system and the integration of the developed services towards the formation of the final Plooto CRIS. Once developed the system will be evaluated into the different pilots following the defined evaluation methodology.
The second day of the Consortium meeting was dedicated to presenting the status of the different Tasks that relate to Certification, Standardization activities, Education and lifelong learning as well as the Dissemination and Communication activities of the project.
Overall it was a fruitful meeting and the next steps are defined towards the upcoming months for Plooto.